jueves, 7 de mayo de 2009

RaDiOhEaD- GaGgIn OrDeR!! (AcOuStIc SeSsIoNs & B-sides)

Ahora les Dejo este material que contiene algunos éxitos en sesión acústica!! espero les agrade!!
Comentar no cuesta nada !!!
Pass: robotrockylosalternativos.blogspot.com

1. Good Morning Mr. Magpie
2. You
3. There There
4. Fake Plastic Trees
5. Banana Co.
6. Blow Out
7. Scatterbrain
8. Go To Sleep
9. Subterranean Homesick Alien
10. My Iron Lung
11. Knives Out
12. Karma Police
13. On the Beach
14. Creep
15. I Might Be Wrong
16. Follow Me Around
17. Sail To the Moon
18. Street Spirit [Fade Out]
19. Gagging Order
20. Everything In Its Right Place

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